Solid Modeling Design

Solid Modeling

Regardless of the the product or project you are working on, solid modeling is a powerful tool that helps visualize and verify your design prior to production or construction. Our substantial experience in solid modeling using multiple Computer-Aided Design (CAD) platforms allows us to help drive your project forward regardless of your needs.

Solid modeling makes accurately communicating your product design between our engineers, your team, manufacturers, and you customers easy by providing a computer generated fully defined 3D model of your product. This allows for improved visualization, error detection, assembly verification, accurate information exchange with other team members, easy interfacing with other disciplines like stress, thermal and flow analysis, and conveying complete 3D information to manufacturing.

Once a model is generated, the design can easily be optimized for cost, functionality and performance prior to creating manufacturing drawings or preparing 3D printing files.

Why would you want a solid model?

Improved Communication

The alternatives to solid modeling are using 2D wire frame modeling or surface modeling which can make design intents and specifications unclear or lead to manufacturing challenges.

A 2D wire frame model consists of a collection of drawings that show different views of a single model in order to communicate specifications. In a 2D model each view is generated separately from each other leaving more room for error or miscommunication that goes undetected until the manufacturing or construction process potentially leading to the need for costly revisions. 2D wire frame models are also unable to properly define more complex 3D part geometries for machining.

Surface modeling was the first 3D CAD technology that allowed for complex 3D shapes to be defined and machined. However, surface modeling still suffers from the disadvantage that inconsistencies in surfaces can lead to trouble with programming a machining algorithm. Surface modeling also requires machinists to be more proficient with surface mathematics to properly program a machining algorithm.

Solid Modeling provides several advantages over both 2D wire frame models and surface models. Solid modeling improves communication and visualization, simplifies modeling complex shapes, provides an easier method of programming a machining algorithm, and keeps track of action history allowing for undo and redo buttons. Solid Modeling also allows for generating model-based definition CAD models which are fully defined 3D models that allow for improved communication over alternative 2D design views that other methods output.

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